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Crisis Intervention
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Stopover provides emergency shelter to young people ages 12 to 17. Temporary separation from the family removes youth from the intensity of the crisis. It allows a chance to assess their situation and evaluate alternatives. the environment is one that tells youth that they are important and valued people. During the time young people are at the emergency shelter, we work to relieve some of the stress they and their families are experiencing.
Students who stay at the emergency shelter usually continue to attend their own school. Youth will have chores and other responsibilities at the emergency shelter. While there, youth meet with a counselor individually as well as with his/her family several times a week. Counseling services will continue after young people are reunited with their families.
Stopover also offers home-based counseling services for youth ages 11 to 18 and their families. Counseling is provided on a weekly basis for six to eight weeks and addresses issues that often arise in the home, school, or community and interfere with the positive development of youth. The counselor meets with the young person individually as well as with the parents and family provided to youth an young adults, ages 16-21.
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